Monday, December 6

Film Review: Tangled

I love (love. love!) the early Disney fairytales . . . Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, etc. When I first saw the first trailer for Tangled, I was a bit concerned. Rapunzel didn't seem like the most likable character, the male lead seemed annoying  . . . but then the other trailers made it seem much more enjoyable, and I wanted to see it! So Saturday, my sister, my really-really soon-to-be-brother-in-law, and I went to see it in 3D. First of all, the 3D was done incredibly well, and second of all, this was an absolute return to form for Disney. The artwork was spectacular (as the video below goes in to), Alan Menken did an excellent job on the score, and the characters/story were semi-relateable, surprising, and funny. Added bonus: excellent personified animal sidekicks that do NOT TALK! Loved it. Loved it. Will see it again in a heartbeat.

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