Tuesday, October 26


I dunno about the rest of you kids out there, but there are days that I just can't find the t-shirts that I'm looking for. I like a good off-beat t-shirt, preferably with a funny/cultural reference that is clever but doesn't knock you over the head. I'm asking a lot here, I know. This leads to DIY attempts with iron-on transfer paper, which (for me) never quite looks like anything more than what it is. The printer quality is never what I want it to be, the outline of the transfer paper is too prominent, it doesn't look quite right . . . . I'm particular. It's annoying for me too, I promise. So, all hope for my jaunty t-shirts was lost . . .


One of my daily reads, Liz from say YES! to hoboken posted about this post she made on Momtastic for freezer paper t-shirts. And let me tell you, you don't have to be a Mom for this crafty trick to blow your mind. The possibilities are endless, and TRUST me when I say my creativity is a-runnin away with me!

Aladdin Sane t-shirts, Boba Fett t-shirts, grammarian t-shirts . . . . !!

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