Wednesday, October 14

Cold snap!

The weather has turned colder, and colors are bursting out all over campus. From the burnt orange of the leafy maples lining the streets, to the colorful knit hats, scarves, and mittens. October is nearing the end, which can mean only one thing: Halloween! I'm not doing any sort of party or costume this year, but I am going with my parents to their alma mater as our colleges face off for a football battle. They're friends from college always get together and tailgate--I'm sure riotous behavior will ensue.

This weekend, well, these next four days really, are incredibly pivotal. If I get all the work done that I mean to, I will be ahead of schedule and won't collapse under pressure by the end of the semester. If I don't get the work done . . . . academic doom may be a bit of melodramatic, but you get the general idea.

Anyways, here is a little video that I discovered on youtube from an old disney special that I loved when I was a kid. My mom video-taped it (the days before DVR, if we can hark back that far) and I watched it all the time, even when it wasn't Halloween. Then my dad taped over it with Melrose Place. Something he denies to this day.

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