Monday, August 30

i'm ba-nanas for boots.

I'm allowing myself to buy one pair of expensive new shoes for fall. I'm hoping to get two, but I can definitely only afford to get one pair without major parental intervention. But HOW do I decide? Fall/Winter is the season of really fantastic footwear, and I'm absolutely ga-ga for all of it. Especially boots. I adore boots, of just about any kind.

So without any ado, here are the fall shoes I'm coveting right now . . . any advice on a direction to go in would be amazing.

-the trouser, steve madden ($69.95)

-the Melissa Button Boot, Frye Company ($318 [ack!])

-Beaded Ankle Boot, Minnetonka Moccasins ($32.95)

 Or any cowboy boot, or a pair of Doc Martens . . .
All sorts of difficult decisions. Any thoughts?

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