Anyways, I thought I'd have a music Thursday, (it's 12:01 am here) starting with an old video via you ain't no picasso of Colin Meloy at a small concert in Australia performing a new Decemberists song called "Springville." In the intro, he's quite witty (and beardy).
side note: My Writers of the American Renaissance professor looks remarkably like Colin Meloy and ACTS remarkably like him, too. Very intelligent, very witty, does that spread out flip-hand-over thing. It's uncanny, and I always get this secret little thrill in class that's like "Colin Meloy is teaching me about Melville/Hawthorne/Thoreau/Emerson/Whitman!"
In other Decemberists news, band members Nate Query, Jenny Conlee, and Chris Funk have started a new kinda-bluegrass-but-not side project called Black Prairie. After listening to about 15 seconds of the 30 second iTunes preview of the first song off the very new first album, Feast of the Hunters' Moon, I bought the whole album. And as a very poor

photo credit:;
1 comment:
Colin Meloy & The Decembrists make up some of my 21st century heros... great blog!
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