Well, my first week of school is officially completed. At my school we have to take a certain number of general education courses (GenEds), in order to garner a well-rounded education. I, however, maintain that I had a very well-rounded education in high school and therefore know that I will NEVER want a career in math and science. It's just not my bag, personally. Unfortunately for me, they will not let me graduate in two years (!!) unless I complete these courses. So I'm finishing them this semester to avoid senior year death by boredom. I'm taking . . . (drumroll)
U.S Diplomatic History
The Physical Nature of Light and Sound (fancy-pants physics)
Introduction to Film (to 1960)
General Philosophy
General Health
I'm petrified of my physics class. As a result, I'm reading my chapters and taking frantic notes on them so that I won't feel so overwhelmed come time to study for tests. But, I've only had the class 3 times and I already feel overwhelmed. My intro to Film class is FANTASTIC. My professor is hilarious and really knowledgeable (she also worked on a film with Scarlet Johansson and that makes her my hero, even if I'm kinda tired of ScarJo). We meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Tuesday evenings. Tuesdays are the film viewing classes, and we've already watched 2 Buster Keaton films (Cops and Sherlock, Jr. for those interested). I'd never seen a Buster Keaton film before, but I had heard of him thanks the The Dreamers (two characters debate over who is better, Keaton or Chaplin). Having now seen both, I have to say Keaton. Not only does he star in these two films and do all his own stunts, but he directed the films himself. His cinematographer is amazing and the gags are brilliantly done. He's just so endearing, I find him adorable. It's amazing how certain humor stands the test of time. My entire film class was laughing hysterically at this silent film made about 80 years ago. I doubt the same will be said of say . . . . Disaster Movie?
check this video by hihuy
It's a montage of Sherlock, Jr. set to music by Air.
But anyway, it's practically 2 AM on a Friday night (Saturday morning) and I'm not out partying. I may be totally alone in saying this, but the house parties at my college have never been my style. I've always felt off-kilter around this horrible music and awful drunk boys trying to feel me up. I'd rather be at a nice bar or restaurant, or just watching a movie with my friends. My roommate -shall I go GossipGirl and call her R?- and I watched The Wedding Date tonight while drinking a beer. Blue Moon for me and Becks for her more germanic tastebuds. Earlier in the night my other roommate M was pre-gaming as we played a three-person game of kings. We had Miss Congeniality playing in the background and were getting rather silly when our final roommate and a couple of her friends came in. Now, I don't have a problem with people drinking. I drink myself, so it would be hypocritical to find fault with others. But I do dislike people who are overly drunk. It just . . . kills my buzz. I'd go to a party if it was a bunch of people I knew, or a bunch of people dancing, but a crowded room with people spilling booze everywhere? I'd just rather not. Am I completely alone in this?
oh! and p.s. eventually I'll get a camera or borrow someone's so you can see my room and maybe an outfit post or two . . .
1 comment:
many experiences in so just a short time. carry on ^_^
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