I am beyond psyched for this movie. Say what you will about whatever, but Kristen Stewart can act like no other girl in her generation. And the fact that Joan Jett gave her seal of approval just clinches it.
I'm terrified. I'm scared of living a bleak existence. Of finding out, after all I've dreamed of and hoped for, that I made little to no impact on the world. Of being alone for the rest of my life. But most of all, I'm absolutely petrified that everything I love is the result of a trite, media-driven desire to be one of the indie realm's manic pixie dream girls. That I'll wake up and realize that I'm just a skinny-jean wearing, Zooey Deschanel-loving Penny Lane-wannabe. All of these things deserve to be loved in their own right, it's true. But I worry if I love them for the right reasons. Do I love them because they strike a chord with my soul, or because its the crowd I can fit closest with. Or because, at the end of all things, twilight and soft focus don't show all the flaws?
It's hard to believe that it's 2010 already. Resolutions include but are not limited to: leaving college the same weight I entered it, creating more style posts (interesting posts in general, I've become so dull lately), reading more non-school-related books, cooking more frequently (perhaps a separate cooking blog, a la Julie Powell?)
Steps towards making my resolutions reality: registering for yoga classes (twice a week!), purchasing said non-school-related books, amassing a cook book (binder?), and working at j.crew all holiday. Moving on!
Things in 2010 that I'm looking forward to:
Laura Veirs' new album July Flame: Colin Meloy tweeted about the full length album's NPR stream. I'd heard her open for the Decemberists when I saw them in concert back in . . . October? September? Anyway, she was most excellent, in the dreamy yet complex manner of the music scene in the Pacific Northwest. The album drops January 12, 2010, and I can't wait to buy it off iTunes (all legal-like, because mama raised me right.)
I recommend the title track, July Flame. You can download it for free from her record company, Raven Marching Band.
She & Him, Volume 2: Zooey Deschanel (see label: girl crush) and M.Ward will be releasing their new album on March 23, 2010. The track list looks fantastic, and I, like any self-respecting kid with a shred of indie cred, (rhyme unintentional, I assure you) am thoroughly in love with them.
The Runaways: Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett? Yes, please.
Getting a Blackberry (the violet one, I think. it's just too pretty for words)