Just between me and you, if asked to choose between Cyd Charisse and Ginger Rogers, I'd pick Cyd Charisse every time. While I appreciate Ginger Rogers' gumption, there's this incredible grace in the way Cyd Charisse moves--she seems flawless, completely effortless. It's the way I wished I danced, back when I was a dancer (which feels like a lifetime ago).
and this video is rather fantastic as well. I must admit, I've never seen Roman Holiday all the way through, but I've always wanted to. And come on. Audrey Hepburn. Gregory Peck. You just can't go wrong.
Let it be known, I am in LOVE with this TV show. I don't watch it on TV, but I get it off iTunes when I can. The music is fantastic and I admit that I can relate, slightly, to the trauma of high school experience. Granted, nobody threw a slushie in my face but I can definitely understand feeling animosity towards you, and not being entirely sure why it's focused in your direction. I still don't get it. Yesterday, I bought dish towels for the kitchen. Not just regular dish towels, but dish towels that I knew would absorb water rather than push it around and match the only thing that had a discernible color scheme--the salt and pepper shakers. Plus, I bought wine. And drank it for dinner. Nothing like a little Pinot Grigio with your Kraft Macaroni & cheese. That I forgot to save in the fridge. Dammit. There goes dinner tonight. I dunno, just . . . making lists, budgeting . . . going to grocery shopping for REAL food, not just peanut butter and eggo waffles, struck me as very adult today. Even though I've been doing it for awhile now. Kinda makes me want to go back to my own Glee club. And the hot older boy that was in said Glee club. Though that was all rather hopeless pining on my part.
maybe I don't want to go back to high school, on second thought.
So, it's dawned on me that I'm a senior in college, and will have to figure out the rest of my life very shortly. I don't really want to be in college for much longer, but I don't want to leave either. I've figured out my classes for the next year, but just the idea of filling out my intent to graduate application, ordering my cap and gown . . . I don't know what to feel. Hopefully, I'll feel better about it when we get closer to the actual launch date.