In less than three weeks, I'll be leaving these British shores and heading home to America. And honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've grown very used to being here. I love the city, with its random spires and odd shops. It's full of odd corners and niches and alleyways that twist and curve. I've grown used to the people--these oddball, incredibly smart kids that are willing to laugh at anything and nothing at all. But most of all, I've grown used to the freedom I feel here. To be exactly who I want and not have to worry about anyone judging me. I listen to the music I want to listen to, watch my films, dress how I like, and act how I like. I feel more like myself than I have in years . . . and I'm petrified that that's going to go away. I don't want to go back to who I was. And I'm worried I won't fit in with my friends back home anymore. Because I'm not the same person . . . and I know that that will cause problems. At least with some, anyway.

So, in hono(u)r of my increased (hopefully) confidence in myself, etc. Here's a post of the directorial debut of Kate Hudson, Cutlass. It has definite shades of Cameron Crowe, which I'm completely ok with. Kristen Stewart is stunning in the 70s and Dakota Fanning is amazing (as is Kurt Russell as the dad). Plus, it uses a song from Humble Pie. Pretty awesome. Check it out:

graffiti in . . . Florence? Rome? That I saw and made my friend take a picture of.